Title: Home
Genre: Biography
Plot: Julie Andrews, an entertainer, tells about her early days on the stage.
Distributor: Hyperion
Length: Long
Rating: G
Author: Julie Andrews
Starring: Julie Andrews, Tony, Rex Harrison, Blake Edwards, Mum, Pop, Dad, Carol Burnett, Walt Disney, Rogers and Hammerstein, etc
Theme: Up and coming star
Comments: This book was an impulse buy from Big Lots. I love biographies and as I was leaving the store it was face out and only $3. Okay, I bit. Truth is, I loved it from page one. It was well paced and engaging. She didn’t make herself out to be perfect and also she was honest (and a talented enough writer) without straying to a ‘dirty secrets’ type of tell-all. I now have the urge to see both My Fair Lady and Mary Poppins. Good job, Julie.
Genre: Biography
Plot: Julie Andrews, an entertainer, tells about her early days on the stage.
Distributor: Hyperion
Length: Long
Rating: G
Author: Julie Andrews
Starring: Julie Andrews, Tony, Rex Harrison, Blake Edwards, Mum, Pop, Dad, Carol Burnett, Walt Disney, Rogers and Hammerstein, etc
Theme: Up and coming star
Comments: This book was an impulse buy from Big Lots. I love biographies and as I was leaving the store it was face out and only $3. Okay, I bit. Truth is, I loved it from page one. It was well paced and engaging. She didn’t make herself out to be perfect and also she was honest (and a talented enough writer) without straying to a ‘dirty secrets’ type of tell-all. I now have the urge to see both My Fair Lady and Mary Poppins. Good job, Julie.